About Us
We launched our business the hard way over 11 years ago.
No shortcuts, no advertising, just drive, tenacity, ever shifting strategy...
And the joy of success.
Through that journey, we’ve learned what drives results, what falls flat, and what it takes to win in an ever-changing digital landscape.
Our History
Founded in 2015, we've been pushing the boundaries of marketing using our creativity to deliver unparalleled solutions. We started a company we couldn't advertise...
So we got creative and here we are 12 years later!
Meet Our Team
At Digital Goliath, we bring that battle-tested expertise to the table.
Alli and I specialize in digital marketing, and together, we give you the edge to stand out in a crowded industry.
We combine years of experience with solid data, a skilled freelance team that is across the globe, and an unwavering commitment to delivering real results.
Let’s talk about how we can help. Contact us today!

Tim V
CEO - UX, Wordpress, SEO/SEM, Text and Video Content Creation - 15 years experience. PC Geek

Allison V
Copywriter / Marketing / Journalism - 15 years experience.
Our Achievements
Projects Completed
Awards Won
Users Reached